Friday, September 12, 2008

Car Accident

Soo, on my way back from a very delightful skate session I pulled up to a stoplight and then this dumb ass dude pulls hella fast out of the gas station in from of the lady in front of me which causes her to slam on her brakes and hit him which causes me to slam on my brakes and hit the lady. So the douchie that caused the accident drove away and the lady that I hit is 6 mos. pregnant so HOPEFULLY nothing is wrong with her.

I forgot to say that yesterday was my dadios birthday yesterday and now today, my sister Jacqueline turns 13. So happy birthday to her. Kelsey and I are drivin out to Sonoma tonight to meet up with Cody and Christina and hit up Bodega Bay on tomorrow. Now enjoy this clip here of Chris Haslam and Dawon Song tearing up this mini ramp in the Cheese and Crackers video. Click to link to the video.

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